22 Juni 2012

In Half-Emptiness

The Emptiness..
Mine is part of liberating process
Of a life journey facing the mess
By creating and living the awareness
Not as what commonly understood in west - negativeness
Nor as what many eastern believed - achievement and greatness
Yet, mine and theirs share likeness
It's all about path of happiness

In half-empty..
Desiderata helped me
To see life ain't a misery
God shall not be issue of agony
I thank Ehrmann a bunch. And hubby.  
For making my heart able to see
What it wasn't able to be seen
For setting my mind free
From what stopped it to be 

In immense confusion 
I felt great finding
In the torment of journey
I felt uplifted by reading 
The last paragraph of Desiderata

On the ride of half-emptiness
I feel more peace to kneel and ask
"The Force, The Nature, The Universe, God, or whatever you're called...
Show a miracle, would you?"

Copyright @ Aktifistri. March 19th, 2012

Last paragraph of Desiderata; 
"Therefore be at peace with God, 
whatever you conceive Him to be, 
and whatever your labors and aspirations, 
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. 
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world."